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Bulletin of the Abai KazNPU, the series of "Physical and Mathematical Sciences"

Journal Policy

The purpose and thematic direction of the magazine:

- publication of scientific and methodological and practical materials in the field of mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science and informatization. The journal is a periodical for the rapid publication of the results of theoretical and applied research of scientific schools and researchers, as well as articles on scientific problems in various fields of physics, mathematics, technical and humanitarian (education) sciences.

Terms of publication:

Publication is possible only if the requirements of the journal are met:

- the work has not been published before or transferred to other publications, the original text is not less than 80% (the editorial board checks using online systems «Антиплагиат.ВУЗ» for detecting text borrowings), the presence of positive reviews from the journal's experts, compliance with the technical requirements for the submission of the necessary materials.

Type of review:

The initial review is carried out by the editorial board of the journal, in case of incorrect design of the article or non-compliance with the criteria of the journal, the article is returned to the author. If the decision is positive, the work is checked for plagiarism (Anti-plagiarism system "Антиплагиат.вуз", threshold level of 80%). An article that has not passed the review is returned for revision and cannot be considered for inclusion in the current issue of the journal. The work with an originality of more than 80% is then checked by one or more reviewers (English grammar can be checked, etc.). If necessary, the author makes corrections based on the recommendations of the reviewers. The editorial board adheres to the principle of Double-blind review, double ”blind”-anonymity of the author and reviewer.

The secondary review process is the review of the article by the editor-in-chief and acceptance for publication.

Archiving and availability:

- All paper issues of the journal Bulletin  PMS are available in the University library (86 Tole bi str.), as well as in the editorial office of the journal;

- Electronic archives of the journal issues (since 2015), available on the university's website in the SCIENCE section

Publication Ethics

Responsibilities and rights of editors, reviewers and authors:

All parties involved in the process of preparing materials for publication in the journal: authors, reviewers, members of the editorial board follow the requirements for the ethics of publications in Abai KazNPU journals.  (website).

Including for the magazine Bulletin  PMS Series:

The editors of the journal are obliged to evaluate the manuscripts solely on the basis of their scientific significance, the correctness of the information presented, the objectivity of the conclusions, to stimulate exclusively scientific discussion, and to ensure the protection of the author's personal data. Editors have the right to read the expert opinion and make suggestions for improving the works accepted for publication.

Members of the editorial board are obliged to follow the instructions assigned to them on the implementation of the basic requirements of publication ethics; to maintain confidentiality in their work and undertake not to use unpublished author's information in their research. The members of the editorial board have the right to engage experts in various fields in accordance with the established procedure to participate in the review of articles submitted for publication in the journal.

The reviewer must comply with the agreed terms of the examination, consider the received material as confidential, and give a clear and reasoned objective assessment of the materials submitted for consideration. The reviewer has the right to notify the editors or refuse to review if the topic of the article is not in the area of his competence or a quick review is impossible.

The authors are required to provide reliable results of the original research and an objective discussion of its significance. The article must contain sufficient details to ensure the verifiability of the work, have at least 80% of the uniqueness of the text; the author must provide a presentation of the original work, with mandatory bibliographic references in case of using quotations from other authors. Authors have the right to publish in the press the results of scientific, scientific and technical activities, if they do not contain information related to state, official or commercial secrets.

Measures to identify conflicts of interest, unethical behavior:

In the event of personal interest, unethical behavior in the performance of work duties, which may lead to a conflict of interests, the representative of the editorial board should be guided by the interests of the journal and the university.

Review or correction of articles, publication of corrections, apologies, refutations:

Correspondence with the author is conducted at the e-mail address of the editorial office of the journal.

Unethical behavior - actions of authors, editors or publishers related to the independent provision of reviews of their own articles, contractual and pseudo-licensing, access to agency services for the publication of scientific research results, falsification of the composition of authors, publication of pseudoscientific texts, transfer of the texts of articles to other journals without the consent of the authors, transfer of the authors ' materials to third parties, violation of copyright and the principle of confidentiality of editorial processes, manipulation of citations, plagiarism, falsification and fabrication:

The journal supports and uses the principles, formulated Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (Principles of Transparency and Best Practices of Scientific Publications), which is a kind of" constitution " for open access scientific journals. The principles and approaches set out in this document. Organizations that compiled the document: DOAJ-Open Access Journal Catalog, OASPA - Open Access Association of Scientific Publishers, COPE-Committee on Publication Ethics, WAME-World Association of Medical Editors.