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Bulletin of the Abai KazNPU, the series of "Physical and Mathematical Sciences"


Published June 2020
Almaty technological University Almaty, Kazakhstan
Kazakh national women’s teacher training university, Almaty
Kazakh national women’s teacher training university, Almaty
Almaty technological University Almaty

In this paper, we consider solutions to the problems of fingerprint recognition to improve the image algorithm that reduces Gaussian noise (known as white noise"), methods for adjusting the contrast normalization intensity and data used (parameters), restoring areas of high noise on the images of fingerprints. In addition, this process is one of the most important part of the process, which involves the cleavage of the cleavage of the palms - the processing of the image. By consistency, the noise obtained, coupled with the overlap of the cleavage, the multiple methods of drawing the cleavage of the cleavage, the multiple disaggregated methods of gaining the cleavage of the cleavage, and the workmanship of the instrument, Functions, combined with file format overlays, move from one-to-one key folding functions to the overlay palms.

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How to Cite

Иманбаев, К. , Қожамқұлова , Ж. , Айтуганова, Ж. and Сыдықова , М. 2020. METHODS FOR IMPROVING THE IMAGE OF FINGERPRINT RECOGNITION. Bulletin of the Abai KazNPU, the series of "Physical and Mathematical Sciences". 70, 2 (Jun. 2020), 229–233. DOI: