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Bulletin of the Abai KazNPU, the series of "Physical and Mathematical Sciences"


Published June 2024
Institute of information and computational technologies RSE on REU, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, Ust-Kamenogorsk

Stokes and Darcy laws have found wide application in the field of hydrodynamics. Over recent decades, a lot of significant research efforts have focused on exploring the interconnected Stokes-Darcy model to gain deeper insights into fluid dynamics phenomena.Various types of interface and boundary conditions, improved models have been proposed and thoroughly studied in this context. Moreover, the stochastic Stokes-Darcy model has emerged as a valuable tool for incorporating uncertainties and refining our understanding of these processes. In this review, we will analyze the classical , and stochastic  Stokes-Darcy models, aiming to comprehensively explore their advantages and drawbacks, as well as some numerical methods. We focus on the importance of fractional order derivatives in models in hydrodynamics and analyze the advantages of new generalized fractional order stochastic Stokes-Darcy models.



How to Cite

Бердышев, А. and Боранбек, К. 2024. A REVIEW OF STOKES-DARCY MODEL. Bulletin of the Abai KazNPU, the series of "Physical and Mathematical Sciences". 86, 2 (Jun. 2024). DOI: