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Bulletin of the Abai KazNPU, the series of "Physical and Mathematical Sciences"


Published September 2020
Mаnash Kozybaev North Kazakstan University, Petropavlovsk
Mаnash Kozybaev North Kazakstan University, Petropavlovsk,

The introduction of new technology in the learning process leads to increased opportunities in its organization and
involves a pedagogical search aimed at adapting this technology to the learning process of a particular subject. The article
proposes a methodology of criteria-based assessment of educational achievements in mathematics based on the features
of the content and activity component of the subject of mathematics. The peculiarity of this technology consists in the
fact that students make up descriptors in the course of solving problems, which are used in formative and summative
assessment later. Each descriptor is a step in the algorithm of solving the problem. An example of creating descriptors for
the problem of finding the distance from a point to a plane is given, and alternative descriptors based on various ways and
methods for solving the problem are considered. This approach promotes the involvement of students in the design of the
assessment process. As a result, students develop a clear idea of the assessment criteria. This way the principle of openness
is implemented, and the didactic effect of criteria-based assessment is enhanced.

.pdf (Рус)


How to Cite

Рванова, А. and Горшков, .Н. 2020. CRITERIA-BASED ASSESSMENT TECHNOLOGY OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS IN MATHEMATICS AT SCHOOL. Bulletin of the Abai KazNPU, the series of "Physical and Mathematical Sciences". 71, 3 (Sep. 2020), 84–90. DOI: